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Beast Hunters: A LitRPG Harem Adventure Part Seven Page 4

  "This means we can get in, right?" Vic asked.

  "I suppose so. Let's get going before somebody starts to wonder why we're here." I told them.

  Kendra knocked on the window next to me and waited for me to open it, "My sister told us to go in with the jeep and park it on the right side."

  She walked along the jeep while I searched for a good place to stop. The lights were all off and the little clarity that illuminated the warehouse stemmed from the glass fogged roof. I parked next to a pile of white trash cans and rusty metal plates. Against the wall was a five-story metal shelf full of objects such as tape, ruler, pliers, scanners, drills, among others. Further ahead, in the place where the dim light stood out the most, the rarefied air had hundreds, if not thousands, of particles hovering in the air.

  "Isn't your sister rich? She could have found a better place." Vic said, followed by a sneeze.

  "The best places are the ones nobody suspects," Kendra answered her.

  "Hm, hm, I see you haven't forgotten my teachings," Lipa said, coming from a blue painted metal door that only opened with a five letter or number code.

  Despite the distance, the five green clovers blinked in the modern machine until Lipa's body was in front of us and blocked our sights.

  "You just changed your hair color, as usual." Elisa said as soon as she saw her, "You're never going to leave this business, are you?"

  "Probably not. Only if I die or find someone to replace me when I'm old."

  "Lipa, don't say that." Kendra said, "I told you, you don't have to follow Dad's legacy."

  "And I've already told you I like the freedom and the danger." Lipa answered her and before anyone else could say anything, her eyes stared at Victoria, "Do I know you?"

  Victoria, as was to be expected, stepped forward and replied, "I am Victoria, the new girl in the group. Is there a problem?"

  "Sassy. I like her." Lipa told me, "You look even prettier." She winked at me.

  "Come on, Lipa, what do you have for us?" I said, trying to ignore the teasing.

  It wasn't that her strong and ferocious personality or her tits tightened by the purple top she wore, and her silky legs covered to her knees by a red skirt with blue frills didn't appeal to me. It was that I knew that if I were to give her a finger, she would want my whole hand and I would not be able to say no to her. Not when I was baffled by the way her tongue slid across her thick lips at the end of every sentence or the way she swung her ass while walking as if it were a mesmerizing watch or coin.

  "Follow me." She said, turning and walking towards the door where she had come from, "acix, right? I called some of my contacts. I got the right person, but it's not going to come cheap."

  "We have money," I answered her.

  She laughed as she pressed the buttons and unlocked at the door, "Not everything in this world is about money. This person has more than enough. He'll want something more specific." Lipa told us.

  "Anything more specific? What are you talking about?" I asked her. That was her world and it was very different from what I was accustomed to.

  "He will probably ask you for a favor. You decide whether or not to accept it, but if I were you I would. Arranging a meeting with him cost me two-gun shipments and a favor that someone owed me." Lipa told us.

  We followed her down the arched white-walled corridor that seemed to never end. We passed a fire extinguisher and several small batteries of incandescent blue lights, lying on the floor and strapped to the wall.

  "This used to be a secret passage used at the height of the third great war. I had to send someone to remove the cobwebs and paint the walls, but now it's great for transporting the material." She kept going until Kendra interrupted her.

  "What's in it for you?"

  "Not much. There's also something I need to ask him. I wasn't going to resort to him, but since you guys needed him... it'll work too." She said.

  "I knew there was something more to it. You were being too altruistic."

  "It's not like I haven't helped you without asking for anything. It just comes in handy now. You know, after what happened to the council, things haven't been easy. The albino attacked some of my warehouses. He's almost in control of everything that happens on the black market. I had to take care of my business out of the limelight. But something good came of his rise to power. He became violent and began to persecute the loyal members of the leaders he had killed..."

  "And that's a good thing?" Kendra interrupted her.

  "Let me finish. Some of the fleeing members have come to ask for a place in my trenches. My army has never been so numerous and with such varied skills."

  "You're saying that sooner or later you two will have to face each other, right?" Kendra asked her.

  "Something like that, yes. I know he's locked in his condo. We're both dealing with our problems in our own way." Lipa said, "But there's no point in wasting time on it now."

  "Aren't you afraid?" Vic asked her.

  "Fear weakens us. In this line of work, it's normal to be hunted anyway. Dying from a bullet is an honor. A sign of respect even."

  "Damn it, Lipa. You haven't changed at all. You still have those ideas." Elisa told her and sighed.

  "As I recall, you had them too." Lipa said, "You lost your guts, didn't you?"

  "Of course not, but I realized that there is more to life than the longing for one more fight and the faint urge to die on the battlefield." She answered her, looking at me.

  "You've finally found a family. You know, what I said to you still stands."

  "Thanks, but I don't think this is the right time."

  "What are you talking about?" I asked them.

  "Lipa offered to help me find my birth parents. And just like before, I'm going to reject it. I don't want that in my life right now. And none of you dare say anything about it."

  "We won't." I replied, "So where are you taking us, Lipa?"

  "We have to go somewhere. I just don't want to leave through the front door. I can't risk it. Well, just a warning, the person we're about to meet is very impatient and stubborn. Don't try to argue with him."

  "But who is he?" Kendra asked.

  "He's an old hermit who's spent his whole life exchanging trinkets for others. He knows everyone, even more people than I do, and everybody respects him. He never screwed up a business. In this line of work that is essential. As time went by, he became a little paranoid and moved away from the limelight. Now he only accepts face-to-face meetings with people he's heard of or who can offer him something he can't afford with money." Lipa explained, "And definitely don't give him too much talk. The man's a great manipulator, and he loves to see people arguing. He's going to take something you guys hadn't even noticed and use it to drive you away. I suppose he sees it as fun."

  "We have no secrets between us," I answered her, even though I still felt Kendra was hiding something from me.

  Lipa laughed, "I hope not."

  The corridor finally came to an end. She had led us to a wide section that seemed to have been used as a coffee shop once. There were round white and yellow striped tables with enough dust on top to fill the whole room with a light blow. On the floor, there were dozens of open boxes, with the lids beside them, and semi-automatic weapons inside. Some had only pistols and there was one only with grenades. Three men carried a box at a time, each with its own box, through a dark, rusty green door on our right. Each time they opened it, it crawled across the floor and the whole building seemed about to collapse on us. A drizzling rain was coming down on us. I looked up and noticed that the closest thing to a ceiling that was there was an electric net, one that was used to kill insects, and that, there, seemed to be used not only as a roof but also as a measure of defense. It was strange, to say the least, but no one else seemed surprised except Victoria who also had her eyes on it. Maggie tracked the men carrying the boxes and Elisa and Kendra were expecting Lipa to say what we were supposed to do now that we'd made it there.

  "Anybody want coffe
e?" Lipa asked and went to the side of the small countertop on the opposite side of the room.

  She bent over and pulled a coffee maker out of there. It was one of those old, non-automatic ones that needed to be plugged in. There was a plug on the white wall with black stains on her right. The men were still walking past us like we didn't exist. They didn't even look or glance at us when they stopped to stretch their muscles. They all wore a tight black sweater with their sleeves pulled over their shoulders. The sewing seemed about to burst every time they bent down and clenched their teeth to pick up another box. The three of them had a gun strapped to the back of their waist. As they leaned over, the shirt climbed, and the nine-millimeter gun popped into plain sight.

  Only Vic and Elisa wanted coffee. Lipa did it all by herself. She didn't seem in a hurry. She pulled three cups out of a drawer, which was apparently on her side, put them down on the counter and filled them with a still steaming black liquid. Finally, she put a sugar sachet on beside them.

  "It's not the best coffee in the world, but it'll have to do." She said as she fetched her cup.

  None of them sat down. The chairs had no back and the red cushions were torn. They drank their coffee standing while we waited.

  "We've already loaded everything into the van." One of the men said. He was bald, with green eyes and besides the dragon's tattoo on his right arm he had only one tattooed date above his left eyebrow, "20.05. 2122.". I assumed it was his birth date. From his face, he could be in his late 20s or late 30s.

  "Well done. You can take them. Don't forget. If anything seems strange to you, call for help. We can't risk being attacked again. We need those guns." She said, took a break to finish drinking the rest of the coffee and finally wished them good luck.

  The door closed behind them and the noise was carried across the air, raising dust from the tables. Vic rubbed her white sweater and even had to moisten two fingers in her mouth to see if she could clean the little brown spots that had remained on her clothes. They'd already finished their coffee and Lipa was storing the machine.

  "Well, let's get going. Don't ask questions. We're going to the new black market, but we can't go in through the same place as normal people. All the security guards are on the albino's payroll."

  "Did he set up the new market?" I asked him.

  "Yes. He found the new place, controls who sells there and, unlike the old market, they have to pay him 10% of the profit. And with no one to stand up to him, no one dares to criticize him." She told us, as she walked past us and signaled to follow her, "But I found a way in without him knowing. Don't get in trouble, okay? They can't know we're there. And, if I remember correctly, last time we almost died."

  "On the other hand, we discovered the whole truth," Kendra answered her sister.

  "It didn't do much good, did it?" Lipa replied, "It doesn't matter now either. Knowing that the albino works with Reapers, some Hunters and even technology companies before he tried to attack me gave me time to put together a couple of prevention measures."

  "What if he gets new, unique weapons before they even come out? Or if they're made just for his army?" Vic asked her.

  Before answering her, Lipa asked me to help her with opening the jammed door. I got marks on my fingers from the strength I had to make just to open it halfway. Lipa turned on the lights. A string of neon lights, which surrounded the entire garage, dawned. Four white vans, each pretending to have a different use, acted as a cover for the weapons transport. One of them had a poster on the right side stating that they were carrying paint cans, the other one was for sofas, and the other two belonged to construction companies. We followed her to the van that was supposed to be carrying sofas.

  "Let's use this one. You four get in the back. James is coming to the front." She said, "And as for your question, girl, yes, that can happen. But wars are won outside the battlefield. It's not with the fight that I'm the least bit concerned."

  "I thought you weren't afraid of anything." The sister counterattacked.

  "It's not fear. It's not liking him being so unpredictable and having no boundaries. It's hard to predict what he's going to do and how far he's willing to go. Above all, it's not knowing what his endgame is. Men like that aren't happy. He'll want more than the black market." She answered her with her hand on the handle.

  "Why do we have to go in the back?" Elisa asked her.

  "Because there's only two seats up front and the man we're going to see is an old-fashioned idiot. He'll value more if he sees a man in the forefront instead of two girls."

  "Are you sure there wasn't someone else to turn to?" Elisa said.

  "Yeah. He was one of only three options. One's not around and I had a problem with the other. He's all that's left. What matters is it's going to work. Now hurry in. We're early but we can't really be late."

  Elisa still didn't like the idea very much, but even though she was upset, she did it. They slid the door and, one by one, got into the van and sat on the cushions that were lying on the floor. Two boxes similar to the ones with weapons we had seen before were in one corner as well as another orange box, locked, with a padlock that only opened with two keys. I sat next to her in the front seats. Before starting the engine, she opened the compartment under the radio and removed a cigarette and a lighter from there.

  "It helps me calm down," she said and lit it, "they can't hear us back there." She added and placed her free hand on my leg.

  "What are you doing?"

  "I like to tease, James. I don't think that's anything unusual." She said it and started rubbing her hand against my leg even more, moving from the knee to the crotch.

  My breathing thickened, "We have to go, don't we?" I asked her.

  "Yes, unfortunately. He doesn't like delays." She told me and took her hand off my leg. She lit her cigarette and took a deep breath. With the other hand, she took her mobile out of her pocket and pressed the cardinal button for five seconds.

  The iron door rose, and the daylight flooded the whole room. It seemed to be an old dorm used perhaps for the wounded or just where several people slept on top of each other. Several beds, all with four wooden legs, cushioned stables and serration sheets, were next to a wall. On top of the two wooden tables, one of them in the diagonal view of my eyes and with different signatures scraped in its thickness, there were several lamps that were about a hundred years old. They were made of glass and had a lamp inside and, as I had learned in school, were used in specific and secret locations during the wars. Unlike mobile phones, lights that hovered automatically in the air, among other lighting possibilities, those could not be located or canceled from afar. They were old and offered different benefits, almost as if they had adapted to the time they were in, in order to survive and, in the end, ended up in those corners at the end of the world, gathering dust until they were destroyed. The car drove off, bumped into a hump outside the garage, and Lipa drove us through narrow streets, turning right and left several times until we got back on the highway.

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  Other Books;

  Space Fun;

  Part One

  Part Two

  Part Three

  Or buy the whole novel;

  Space Fun

  Preview (Part One);

  The wooden feet of the bed crept across the floor with every move we made. Matilda was on top of me, trying to take my belt off, but she couldn't do it alone. I helped her and she pulled my pants down. She admired my blue boxers for a few seconds and then looked at me again.

  "I like what's underneath," she said and laughed, again with the yapping from before, "it will be our secret, a long, dirty secret."

  I knew I shouldn't do it, but was I really supposed to stop her? After all, I would only be on the ship for a few days and then I would never see her or Amelia again. One time wouldn't hurt anybody, and it was always good for r
elieving tension. After racing through a whole new city, wounding myself and ending up tipsy in an unknown ship, having fun and then going to sleep didn't sound so bad. It sounded quite the opposite. My head was spinning as her lips came down my length. She moved her tongue while bobbing her head back and forth. All I could see was her blue hair and the threads falling on her face, as well as the brown root.

  Warrior Fantasy Online

  Part One

  Part Two

  Preview (part one);

  "Don't go yet." Mimi said, "You sacrificed yourself for us." She said and walked up to me, swinging her hips.

  "Impossible to be wary of you after that one." Carly added and leaned on me...

  "It was no big deal. I said I'd help you." I answered them.

  "Still, we think you deserve to be rewarded." Carly told me, "Unless you're not interested."

  "It depends on what you have in mind," I said, and before I knew it, Mimi had already thrown the upper part of her clothes to the ground. The medium-sized round tits swinging as she walked away from me.

  "Like this," she answered me and took off her bra, freeing her beautiful tits, her nipples already hard.

  "You two?"

  "Yes," Carly replied, giggling, she too, taking the top off and letting the white nipples, that contrasted with the rest of her skin color, be free, "we talked about it and neither one of us was against it."

  "But I've already..."

  "You were with my sister, I know. Don't worry about it. This is just a game, a very realistic one." She said, getting nearly on her knees but never letting them touch the ground.

  "Yes, it's very realistic," Mimi added and joined her.

  I had no idea what was going on, but I wasn't going to stop it. I knew that anonymity led people to commit madness, to situations that they couldn’t accomplish in real life. But in WFO, her faces were the real ones. Mimi's long blonde hair and Carly's snails. Mimi's breasts were slightly bigger, but Carly made up for it with her huge ass and broad hips.